Cheap Bulbs Triumph With Colour & Vibrancy

As I sit contemplating the day ahead – my eye is caught by the waving gladioli that are popping out in great stalks of colour in the border.  I have gradually brought together a colour palette to my immense satisfaction – it’s taken a few years of experimenting.  We start with the bright pink hydrangeas with my huge fuschia offering simular pink sepals but with bright purple petals and luscious greenery.  Then we move along purpose clamatis and pinky mauve hibiscus, mixed with dahlias of such intensity it’s breathtaking.  I have this habit of buying packs of bulbs and tubers from my local cheapie supermarket.  Other folk turn their noses up and suggest these will never come to anything, but in fact most of the very best burst of long lasting colour have come from these very cheap purchases.  Dahlias in fantastic shades and with such energy. . . . It’s always worth having faith in the growers whose livliehood relies on folk like me!