Cottage Hospital Out – Starter Homes In

I live in a modern detached exec style home on the outskirts of a once thriving industrial town.  Now that the industry seems to have been diverted overseas, the old factory units have been knocked down as brownsite refills with all kinds of small urban redevelopment projects.   One of the more innovative schemes involved knocking down the local cottage hospital – an very pretty little building dating from 1900.  There was a real hue and cry when the planning notices went up – but now that has blown over, the old stuff cleared away, no one cares. It has been replaced by hundreds of small starter homes that look very attractive and will serve the community well.  If folk can afford them of course.  My only concern is the lack of garden and parking spaces per unit.  But even with a window box or just a tiny patio, perfumed plants can bring a touch of the outside indoors.