Tudor Kitchen Brings Appreciation Of Today’s Simplicity

I was out on a birthday treat day out the other week – a wonderful spur of the moment idea.  Visiting a truly spectacular heritage property with some pals, both of whom are real home birds who felt seriously out of their comfort zone  . . . .   Usually you look at each room as you pass in a solemn crocodile past the green room, the yellow this and that – they’re all gorgeous and well maintained, but they pass in a haze of sameness.  This time however, we three were totally absorbed by the room steward who gave us the benefit of her immense knowledge about the workings of the tudor kitchen.  She explained how each part of the fantastic ‘Heath Robinson’ looking rotisserie worked beside the massive fireplace; detailing how the many staff worked to provide food for hundreds at a time.  After the visit we really appreciated our simple lives with easy to maintain and clean kitchens of today!